Satellite Specifications
Technical coverage and geography of broadcasting of State Institution "TV Dushanbe"
Since February 2017, the State Institution Dushanbe Television has switched to digital broadcasting - Full HD. His programs are watched by about 87% of viewers in the country and abroad.
The digital coverage area of Dushanbe Television for terrestrial broadcasting, according to Teleradiocom LLC, is 60.41%.
Dushanbe Television simultaneously broadcasts on two satellites Yahsat 1a 52.5° E and NSS 12 57° E covers 47 countries, such as: Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Djibouti, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, India, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Russia, Mongolia, China, Iraq, Ukraine, Belarus, Sweden and Norway.
Satellite map Yahsat 1a 52.5° East Satellite map NSS 12 57° East
It is important to note that one of the trends in the development of television in the regions is the rapid growth of cable networks and ITTV (*14.7%). On all tariffs of TV services "Dushanbe HD" is available as FullHD (1920x1080)
There are more than 10 non-state private services in Tajikistan, such as:
TV «ANT» | universal | Sughd region |
TV «Mavji Oriono» | universal | Sughd region |
TV «Mavji Istiqlol» | universal | Dushanbe and DRS, Khatlon region |
TV «Mavji Somon» | universal | Dushanbe |
«TV -Сервис» | universal | Dushanbe |
«DVB-Т2» | universal | Tajikistan |
«TV «Альянс» | universal | Tursunzade district and Dushanbe |
«TTL-TV » | IP | Tajikistan |
«SATURN» | IP | Tajikistan |
Satellite: Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) Frequency: 11 785 МГс Polarization: H Symbolic speed: 27500 Мсимв/сек Modulation: DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4/HD FEC: 3/4 Encryption: BISS |
Satellite: NSS 12 (57.0°E) Frequency: 11 566 МГс Polarization: H Symbolic speed: 10750 Мсимв/сек Modulation: DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4/HD FEC: 3/4 Encryption: BISS |
Мушаххасоти моҳвора
Моҳвора: Yahsat 1A (52.5°E)
Басомад: 11 785 МГс
Поляризатсия: H
Суръати символӣ: 27500 Мсимв/сек
Модулятсия: DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4/HD
FEC: 3/4
Рамзгузорӣ: BISS
Моҳвора: NSS 12 (57.0°E)
Басомад: 11 566 МГс
Поляризатсия: H
Суръати символӣ: 10750 Мсимв/сек
Модулятсия: DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4/HD
FEC: 3/4
Рамзгузорӣ: BISS